Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Company Profile-Bahasa Inggris Bisnis (tugas 1)

Problem in PT Indofood about Indomie

The Government of Indonesia Ensures Safety and Security of

Its Consumers as First Priority

A. Company : PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk

B. History

Indofood Sukses Makmur, better known as Indofood, is a major Indonesian company involved in the sood industry. The company’s headquarters are in Jakarta. Indofood was founded in 1972 as Panganjaya Intikusuma before changing to its current name 1990. It is of the companies owned by the family of Sudono Salimunder the Salim Group.

C. The Problem :

The Public anxious by notification in mass media although mass electronic about indofood provide Indomie that to take from market in Taiwan. This case causeIndomie have trouble about indomie not grtify standard in market Taiwanese. The Indonesia Goverment has taken series of concrete steps to addres issues pertaining to the Indonesia-branded instant noodle Indomie in the Taiwanese market. The indonesia Minister of Trade, Mari Elka Pangestu, alongside the Head of National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NA-DF/BPOM) Kustantinah, The Director General of Foreign Trade (Ditjen PLN) Deddy Saleh, the Head of Indonesian Trade Office (KDEI) in Taiwan Harmen Sembiring, the Secretary General of Center of Information for food and Beverage Product Franky Welirang, issued an official statement on October, 12-2010. Minister Mari stated “Not only Indomie, but ALL indonesian food and beverage products must comply with the requirements and health standards stipulated by domestic and international market.” According to BPOM, Minister of Trade emphasized that indomie in the Taiwanese market in absoluty safe for consumer and has met with international standard based on CODEX Alimentarius Commission (CAC). Unfortunately, Taiwan is not a member of CAC hence Taiwan implements its own standard which is different that international standards indomie has complied with. Those standard used by indonesia and Taiwan are both internationally recognized and have been designed to ensure safety os its people. Indonesia respect steps taken by authorities of other countries to protect its domestic consemers. Therefor, Indonesia is prepared to collaborate and cooperate with the relevant authorities in other countries to addres this issue. The Indonesia goverment requests that all steps from product examination to public communication conducted by foreign authorities are made in a collaborative and transparent manner to avoid mixed messages and incite consumer’s confusion.

D. The Solution

a. Indonesia goverment and private sector wiil work together to secure market acess for all Indonesian products and will strive to ensure that all products, the export oriented and domestically distributed products, are in compliance with the export destination countries.

b. For Indofood must be considerate production food, especially noddle never intemperance inside use preservative matter, because its dangerous for consumer which cause something to appear for health and can be cancer.

c. Ministre of Trade ough to held an open and frank discussion wiyh Taiwanese authorities and conveyed concerns and have given their assurances that they will collaborate with the Indonesia Goverment Goverment to seek a mutually benefical solution to the problem. Some of the issues raised by the Minister of Trade of Republic of Indonesia were, a request for clarification rfom Taiwan’s food and drugs administration departement of health on the following points :

· That there are two different standards. Both standards are internationally recognized and admitted and are safe for consumers

· All products that entered Taiwan by way of Indofood’s distribution channels adhere to Taiwanese standard

· A request that local authorities of Taiwan view this issue proportionally, which means it should not generalize about all indofood products in the Taiwanese market since these products entered Taiwan by different method and using different means.

· A request for cooperation from Taiwanese authorities to treat the issue in hand in compliance with international trade prosedures and to continue maintaining derect and open communication with the competent authorities in this sector.

For Goverment of Indonesia fair trade is a matter of priciple, thus we will fight for the best interest of Indonesian products. The most important thing to note is that Indonesia and Taiwan must collaborate and work together in order to find the best solution, because since both countries shares great economic interest. The Indonesian Trade Office (KDEI) will continue to maintain communication and fasilitation with the relevant Taiwanese authorities. Taiwan has provided a positive response and is prepared to collaborate in finding the mosst mutually benefical solutions for all involved parties.

E. The strategy

The Indofood indoor marketing their products only in all country which cooperate with indofood for prevent to take products from market. And only deliver the products to country follow a member of CAC (CODEX Alimentarius Commission (CAC). Then, indofood must be product food and beverage products must comply with the requirements and health standards stipulated by domestic and international market, and not use use preservative matter, because its dangerous for consumer which cause something to appear for health and can be cancer.

F. The Result

The disposal stroll fluent and be able compete with multinationals companies and become excellent companies and have a lot of consumer.

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